Mrs. Nicole Sheranko
Secondary English
Professional Biography
After graduating with a degree in Elementary Education from Boston Baptist College, I began my exciting journey as an educator. I have had the privilege of teaching various grades for the past twenty-five years in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. In 2011, I graduated from Liberty University Online earning a master’s degree in Education. After receiving my master's degree, I taught education courses at Boston Baptist College. I currently teach middle school English at CCS.
Personal Biography
My husband, Tim, and I have been incredibly blessed with two daughters, Michaela and Maddie. We are members of First Baptist Church in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, where Tim is an associate pastor. Living our lives in a way that is God-honoring and of eternal impact is my greatest desire. I love spending my day in the classroom with students and, when I am not teaching, my favorite place to be is with family and friends, cooking, reading, laughing and drinking endless cups of coffee.
Educational Philosophy
My philosophy regarding education is the same as my philosophy regarding my everyday walk as a follower of Christ. I believe each day we have a certain amount of time to be Jesus to those around us. Whether by our speech or our actions, communicating how loving, forgiving, and good Christ is must be evident. It is my desire as an educator that, while I am teaching a subject like literature or reading, I am intentionally conveying all that Christ has done for us and through us. Along with this, teaching students how they can best learn is a priority in my classroom.
Favorite Verse
Colossians 1:10: So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”